Rest months.
I chose not to write a review for June, since it was a "rest month" for me. I read this blog through someone else somewhere and for the life of me cannot find it anymore. Essentially, it talked about how outside necessary chores and gainful employment, the person would do nothing else. And I believe this person had picked April or May as their "rest" month.
In the ongoing pandemic, that made total sense to me. And I must say, I was and am feeling very happy that I didn't do much apart from the necessary.
No more personal projects.
July continued the rest concept in some form and intensity not too dissimilar to that of June 2021.
I am no longer working on any personal projects. My day job keeps me busy enough, and there will come a time when it will feel right to be working on personal projects. It is not now. It feels nice to be in tune with my physical needs more than my mental ones.
My weekends are usually very relaxed in terms of programming related workload, though I still end up doing a lot of needless chores. Habit. Got to be doing something!
Conserving energy.
There's a tangentially-related (and possibly slightly controversial) blog post due on this. It has been sitting in my drafts for more than a couple of weeks now. I should get that out soon...
On that note:
- While I still deal with my internal WordPress-related frustrations, I continue to thank the new setup anyway.
- While I am not exactly morally content with using Windows, I have shifted to it full-time for both entertainment and development (via WSL2). I do find myself wishing for a larger memory capacity than 16 GB. Everything just works. Well, relative to Linux anyway.
- I have (incredibly) slowly finished automating my self-hosting backups. That's a huge relief to me. I just need to test the backups locally now, and I'm sorted!

- I also reduced the number of feeds I was following via Miniflux (and found myself a new workflow), as well as the number of people I was following on both my fedi accounts.
Fixing my email workflow.
Another blog post on this soon. In short, I have moved to Fastmail, and it will be my primary and only mailbox. My start has been woefully rough, but I hope to reap the benefits of having just one mailbox soon.
You can sign up to Fastmail if you'd like using my referral link. I do find it to be more expensive than I'd like, and that extra 10% off will go a long way for me. 
I am fully vaccinated now. Rather, will be in a week or so more. They say you should consider it so only after a couple of weeks have passed since your second shot.
This is amazing nonetheless, and I can't wait to go visit my family soon. 
Meta updates.
I shut down the 'Notes' category on this blog. It feels redundant and confusing (to me) when I do use Mastodon for micro-blogging. That also means no more notes' RSS feed. There's just the one now. I also set up email subscriptions via Jetpack. See the updated feeds page now.
I also worked a ton on my Values and Resume pages.
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