
In these 5+ years of teaching Deep Learning, we've had various people approach us to help start their journey: From graduates starting their careers to veterans from different fields. 

Their motivations might have been different, but many who saw our courses through had an incredible story of success to tell. While the only thing we can take credit for is our courses, our student's successes were solely their own doing. Let's hear from some of our students themselves! 

But first, it's not too late to get our new and improved Deep Learning course. Our course launch sale is still live with a 20% discount.

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"Started a career as a security analyst, found first job in computer vision after completing the PyImageSearch Gurus course, and after completing Deep Learning for Computer Vision with Python, is now the CTO of a tech company with $5.1M in funding." —Saideep Talar, CTO at SenseHawk

Saideep's story is one of many that recognized the DL industry's tremendous potential. Saideep strengthened his DL foundations with the help of our previous best-selling course, PyImageSearch Gurus. 

"Deep Learning for Computer Vision with Python has been a great resource which has helped prepare me not just for the Esri challenge and the interview, but in my transition into the role of computer vision professional. There are many resources out there, but the practical approach that you employ in your books and tutorials is phenomenal." —Kapil Varshney, Data Scientist at Esri R&D

While Kapil's journey is brilliant, are our student success stories restricted to people in tech? 

Absolutely not

Our courses are designed not to require ANY prerequisites. Don't just take our word for it; hear it from another one of our students: 

"PyImageSearch's course converted me from a Python beginner to a published computer vision practitioner. If you are looking for the most cost- and time-efficient way to learn Computer Vision and Deep Learning, and if you are really serious, I wholeheartedly recommend PyImageSearch courses." -–Dr. Paul Lee, Doctor, Cardiologist, and Deep Learning Researcher

Indeed, these are inspiring. But there is a common theme in all these success stories. 

Grit and unwavering dedication

Some of our students had grueling jobs, while some went to school full time. But they never gave up. We believe you won't either. Take the first step and become our next student success story. Join our new and improved Deep Learning course now. 

Enroll Now

Use the code MAR22TAKE20 to get a 20% discount.

The PyImageSearch Team

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P.P.S. If you're already a PyImageSearch University member, you already own this offer and don't need to buy anything. What a deal, right!? Feel free to Opt-out my dear University members (and thanks for being part of University, you make PyImageSearch possible).