Let's face it. Work can be a nightmare, especially when things don't go your way and your work environment is not helping too much to alleviate your stress. However, even if you want to complain about everything wrong with your work, doing so without thinking can cause severe damage and affect your career once your complaints reach those who can call you out and act.

If you don't want to be seen as a nag or complainer in your office space and if you see that there is a reason to complain, here are some things you can do to control and improve the situation:

Know What It Is You Can Manage And Not Control

Before you hightail it and complain, take some time to think about your complaints. List down all of your complaints and see which ones need attention, and see whether you can find solutions to these problems.

If you manage to find solutions to your concerns, you will be more optimistic and control your emotions. Those issues that are not within your control? Table it for a discussion with someone who can. It can be a departmental head, HR, your supervisor or a work forum. Venting your frustrations on things that aren't within your control is like trying to fit a square peg into a round hole.

Use Your Complaints As A Basis For Suggestions

Your co-workers will ignore your complaints if you don't give them the right reasons for them or if you don't offer solutions to these problems.

If you want them to improve, especially if they are the cause for your complaints, provide them with some constructive criticism which they can use to improve.

Speak To The One That Caused You To Complain And Resolve It Peacefully

If someone is causing you problems and want them to know without hurting their feelings or making the situation worse, go directly to them and tell them what is going on. Make sure that you calm yourself in doing so to prevent any misunderstandings.

Be very clear about your words and let them know what solutions you have thought of to prevent more issues from occurring. Stay respectful and be open to criticisms should they also say their side because this will help you improve and show them that you respect them.

Find Another Time To Vent

Keeping all your complaints and stress to yourself without a place to vent can be dangerous to your emotional health. If it gets too much, you will explode, and it can happen at the worst possible time.

With this in mind, always practice self-care after your work and vent in some way. You can do yoga, write a journal, speak to friends who don't have links to your workplace and others.

Be Positive

Staying positive can go a long way even if your work is getting too much and there are a lot of problems around you that need solving. By thinking positive and being thankful for your job, you can focus on things that matter and do your best to keep moving forward.


Having problems in the workplace is normal, even if the workplace is as perfect as it can get. If issues do get to you and you want to complain about them, practice some restraint to give yourself space to calm yourself and think through your actions.

Want to be productive in your workplace? These articles will help you:
8 Steps to Digital Productivity 
How Do You Empower Yourself at Work
How to Stay Focused If You Are Assigned to Multiple Projects at Once

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