Imagine you found a message on your computer with the following demands. "We have encrypted your files with an AES-256 encryption algorithm; if you want to see them again, pay $100000 in bitcoin to this address". Many thoughts may run in your mind; my work computer or my entire business runs on that data. It is a nightmare that no business or self-employed person wants to encounter. Unfortunately, the prevalence of ransomware has been increasing day and night.

To make matters worse, Ransomware as a Service is slowly gaining traction. In this model, hackers create ransomware, and users having no technical acquiescence can subscribe and target various installations and individuals. Three groups are responsible for 60% of the ransomware attacks in 2021, according to the Cognyte Cyber threat intelligence report. They include; Evil, Conti, and Avaddon. In this post, we will look at various tips that you can use to protect your business from Ransomware attacks. Read more of this post