Love has the ability to forgive. You can get away with a lot of things when you're in love. It forgives you without your asking, but it often forces you to apologise regardless since humility is beneficial for you. Love is well aware that it will inflict pain on you as well. Love fails repeatedly, but each new minute is a new chance to make it right. Love has a tendency to neglect.

It has the power to forget old scars and words. Even when it does comprehend, it recalls being compassionate. Love has the greatest battle of your existence with you.
Love isn't a surrogate for realism, nor does it expect you to live in a more wonderful version of it because love exists in the real world. There are upsides and downsides in real life, as love knows.

Love changes the way you think about humanity. You believe you know someone until you see what they will do for the sake of love, how far they will go to care for the one they love, and it makes you exhaled deeply. You'll be able to see transcendence because of love.
Love isn't always enough to make you smile. However, it improves your performance. I'm happy, but I'm also sad. Because love understands that the most important role it plays in your life is to assist you in growing.

It is painful to grow. Every day, love transforms you into a version of yourself you were unaware existed. Enhanced, enlarged in some way. Love entails struggle, acceptance, forbearance, and a slew of other ominous terms. It tries to leave you at times, but it always comes back. It occasionally wishes to murder you, but then fantasizes about the ensuing solitude. It backs away from you before returning. It burrows into your very essence, and you have no idea where it begins or ends.

Love is an enigma. It's both clumsy and exquisite at the same time. It's harsh and organic, horrifying and wonderful all at the same time. It's calming. It's a wild ride. It is both painful and therapeutic. It is both compassionate and tenacious. It's a battle between ambiguity and lucidity. It both empowers you and exposes you to danger. It binds you to the ground while also allowing you to fly. It's as rare as a pearl while somehow being as ordinary as breathing.

Love is a powerful force. It's frequently unremarkable, mind-numbingly typical, and easy to ignore, but if you know how to look at it, it's quite amazing.
Your heart does not 'shatter' when you fall in love. It divides it open, allowing more of what you require to enter.

Love is a decision. Every day, every single moment, you make that decision.
Love is lovely, essential, and instinctive if you let it be, but it is seldom what you expect.
Much, much more is always the case.

Love is a yearning. Love is a virtue.
Love is inexcusably flawed...

!! अभय !!

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