import geocoder import folium import time  print("") ip = input("Type ip here : ") geoapi = geocoder.ip(ip)  coords = geoapi.latlng provider = city = my_map1 = folium.Map(Location=coords,                     zoom_start=12) folium.CircleMarker(location=coords, radius=50, popup="Location").add_to(my_map1) folium.Marker(coords, popup="Location").add_to(my_map1)"map_export.html ") print("") print(f"Country : {provider}") print(f"City : {city}") print(f"Coords : {coords}") print("") print("Script has generated a .html map in the same folder as this file") print("") print("") print("") print("") time.sleep(3) print("The program will automaticly close in 30 seconds") time.sleep(30) exit()   ### BE AWARE! You do need to import the geocoder and folium onto your laptop/pc/device

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