public abstract class Account { //abstract class //perent class protected int accountNumber; protected Customer customerObj; protected double balance; //constructor public Account(int saccountNumber, Customer scustomerObj,double sbalance){ accountNumber = saccountNumber; customerObj = scustomerObj; balance = sbalance; } // abstract Function public abstract boolean withdraw(double amount); } public class SavingsAccount extends Account { // child class private double minimumBalance; // constructor public SavingsAccount(int saccountNumber, Customer scustomerObj, double sbalance, double sminimumBalance) { super(saccountNumber, scustomerObj, sbalance); minimumBalance = sminimumBalance; } // Implementation of abstract function in child class public boolean withdraw(double amount) { if (balance() > minimumBalance && balance() - amount > minimumBalance) { super.setBalance(balance() - amount); return true; } else { return false; } } }
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