Kaggle is a subsidiary of Google LLC. It is an online community of data science and machine learning practitioners. As it allows the users to find and publish datasets, so today, it has more than 50,000 public datasets that you can work on to improve your data science skills. So if you are looking for some of the best Kaggle datasets to practice your data science skills, then this article is for you. In this article, I will take you through an introduction to the best Kaggle datasets to practice data science.

Best Kaggle Datasets to Practice Data Science

2021 Olympics in Tokyo:

The 2021 Olympics dataset is currently one of the most popular datasets on Kaggle. It contains data of over 11000 athletes with 47 disciplines along with 743 teams that took part in the 2021 Olympics in Tokyo. This will be a very good dataset to practice your data science skills as it contains the details of all the athletes, their coaches, their teams and their gender. You can find this Kaggle dataset here.

Heart Failure Prediction Dataset:

The heart failure prediction dataset is another one of the most popular datasets on Kaggle. It contains some of the important attributes that may result in heart failure. As it is obvious, being in the data science field, we don't have much knowledge about heart failures, so while working on this dataset you will find a complete case study on Kaggle, which will help you to understand all the features of the dataset properly. You can find this dataset from here.

Calories in Food Items Dataset:

The calories in food items data, is currently one of the trending datasets on Kaggle. As the name suggests, it contains data about the calories in food per 100 grams. This dataset will help you explore the caloric content and other important facts that you should know about common foods. This dataset is a very good dataset to show the art of storytelling as a data scientist in the form of data visualisation. You can find this Kaggle dataset here.


Kaggle is a subsidiary of Google LLC. It is an online community of data science and machine learning practitioners. I hope you liked this article on some of the best Kaggle datasets to practice your data science skills. Feel free to ask your valuable questions in the comments section below.