LCM stands for Least Common Multiple, which means to find the smallest number that is a multiple of two or more numbers. If you want to learn, how to find the LCM of two numbers by using the C++ programming language, this article is for you. In this article, I will take you through a tutorial on how to write a C++ program to find LCM.

C++ Program to Find LCM

Finding the LCM of two or more numbers means finding the smallest number that is a multiple of both or all numbers you are finding the LCM of. If you are new to a programming language, you should try writing a program to find LCM to implement math concepts using a programming language. Here is how you can write a C++ program to find the LCM of two numbers:

Enter two numbers to find LCM: 12 10 60

In the above code, I have first defined 4 integer variables, and then I am taking two user inputs as a and b to find the LCM of a and b. Then I am finding the greatest number between a and b and then dividing the greatest number by both the numbers and the number obtained is then stored in the lcm variable. So this is how you can write a C++ program to find the LCM of two numbers.

Also, Read - Python Program to Find LCM.


This is how you can find the least common multiple of two numbers, using the C++ programming language. Finding the least common multiple of two or more numbers means finding the smallest number that is a multiple of both or all the numbers you are finding the LCM of. I hope you liked this article on how to write a C++ program to find the Least Common Multiple of two numbers. Feel free to ask your valuable questions in the comments section below.