As a developer it could occur to you that it takes half hour to create config class and set it up as an object in memory to give you client's configuration

Class ClientConfig {  private email; private emailAlias  }

It took me 2 minutes to create this class. Perhaps use an Enum or inject this with data on server startup or pull data

getClientConfig(int clientID) {  ClientConfigMap.get(2) // value it gets is the ClientClonfig object   }

If I could do this in less than half hour, why do I create a SQL table script, create an Entity Class to map it for ORM sake, create a Dao, DaoImpl implementation for dao data methods, write service methods, register the table in hibernate.xml file?

All that would take me 2-3 hours with testing.

The reason is because if you have a new client that wishes to integrate, you don't have to do a deployment. You could always add it to the database table and it would just work.

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