So, today I was more focused on career again. I'm struggling with the side hustles and business ideas because I still need clarity here.

As I mentioned yesterday, my goal in a career is not to just survive a "9 to 5" but actually create something while making multipple streams of income.

Because I'm so nerdy, I have so many interests that it's hard for me to deep dive into an area...until I commit.

I also know I need to learn the art of delegation. I know why I need to delegate and even how to do it...It's just figuring out what to delegate that is my concern now...because I haven't figured out what my special sauce is.


75 Hard: I am on Day 22. For Workout A, I did a kettlebell workout focused on the Advanced level in the app and the core 6. For Workout B, I walked with a kettlebell, rested, and then walked with a kettelbell.

90 Days No Porn & No Fapping Day 11.

30 Days Kettlebell: I am in the last phase of this, Day 20. This goal will be complete on August 15, 2 days before my MRI and doctor's appointment. If everything's good, I will continue the workouts, continuing to collect kettlebells like Pokeballs.

I will begin mace training once the goal is reached. Like the kettlebells, I will start with an alternative (literally a plunger) and just dive into the world of steel mace workouts


Computer Repair: I am not on schedule with this because I was thinking "Where is this going?" I saw the value in this because I want to move into part-time service desk work. The goal is Comptia IT Fundamentals and A+. I'll need to save up, but nothing is stopping me from learning everything I know.

I just need to get back on track.

No code: After some thought, I decide to lay my claim in the space of "No Code" because I like automation and it hopefully ties in with my business idea of a job boatd using Webflow and apis. I might scrap the job board if I can't make it work, but learning no code sounds interesting to me and can complement Python skills.

Software Testing: I didn't study this today, but I did focus on what I want to do in this area: Usability testing (already do work in this area), manual testing, API testing, and automation with Python. I'm trying to cluster my interests.


Investing: Investing and savings plan completed. Set up tomorrow


Hustle: In development

In short, (Bold is done)

Complete at least one 30-day round of 75 Hard Phase I

Continue 90 days of No porn and no fapping

Comlete ASTQB certificate training within 60 days

Complete one learning path in the Test Automation University.

Complete at least 2 no code courses within 60 days.

Complete Dr. Boyce Watkins's Investing & Money Mindset course within a week

Buy a kettlebell to start a badass indoor (apartment) gym.

Complete an introductory drone courses

Complete 30 days of Yoga (Done), Kettlebells, And Mace Workout

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