When the pandemic hit, many businesses and companies were forced to move their operations online to keep their businesses afloat. For employees, the move to remote work or work-from-home was a welcome one at first because of the virus.

But, as the pandemic continues and there is no end in sight, work-from-home fatigue can take root. When we have work-from-home fatigue, our body will start experiencing body pains such as wrist and neck pain and eye strain. We are also quickly exhausted and find it hard to focus on our work.

To prevent work-from-home fatigue, here are 7 steps on how you can fight it:

Switch Between Phone Calls And Video Conferences

Regular Skype or Zoom video calls can get exhausting because you have to split your attention between your teammates on one screen. To reduce the stress caused by these video calls, you can propose holding your meetings through phone calls in between video calls to change the way you interact with one another.

No To Regular Multi-Tasking

Although multi-tasking can help us finish work faster, it is exhausting to do if you have to do it all the time. It also reduces your productivity because your attention is split between your tasks. Focus on one task and remove all the distractions around you so you can finish your tasks efficiently.

Gap Your Meetings

Since everything is now online, our work calendar will be filled with virtual video meetups. But, we shouldn't fill our calendar with just meetings. Do some of your discussions through email or combine similar sessions in one event.

Take A Break

As you do your tasks online and have regular meetings, you should always give yourself a break between recharging your mind and reducing the stress you are feeling. You can do simple activities between your sessions like stretching, walking outside, or even taking a short power nap.

Don't Skip Your Meals

If you want to stay productive at work even when you are doing it at home, you need to give yourself energy. With this in mind, you should always eat breakfast, lunch and dinner with some snacks in between. Make sure to eat full meals and keep your snacks nutritious to help keep moving.

Follow Your Regular Work Routine

If you have a work routine, don't be afraid to follow it even if you work from home. Your work routine can help you adjust from your personal time to your work and back when your work is over for the day. It can also help you maintain your work-life balance and prevent work from invading your rest time.

Plan Your Day Accordingly

If you feel fatigued due to remote work, try to plan your day to distribute your work tasks evenly throughout the day. You can add your breaks between your tasks and use the time to catch up with your co-workers. This will help you maintain your relationships with your co-workers and help your mental health in the process.


It is still not clear when the pandemic will end and when things will be back to normal. But, while we wait, we need to make sure that we take care of ourselves as we try to do our tasks at home. Check out the tips we listed above and see how they can improve your work-from-home routine and your overall health.

Want to be productive during remote working from home? Check out my golden tips:
Best Technology Gadgets to Boost Our Productivity and Comfort when We Work from Home
How do I Avoid Work-From-Home Job Scams
10 Ways to Prevent Yourself from Doing Overtime when Working From Home

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