Friday, August 13, 2021

Amazing Coffees in August 😍

This August started with lots of new amazing coffees!
Here are a couple of explosive fruit bomb coffees that you have to check out,
let's go 😎
Colombia Los Naranjos
Imagine a summer breeze with a tropical fruit punch! This coffee is packed full of tropical fruit notes & great vibrancy. A refreshing coffee to best enjoy in the hot afternoon. 
Brazil Edio Miranda
This natural coffee is not your typical Brazilian coffee. You'll get a super clean smooth vanilla note & hints of papaya, finish with toasted cashew on the aftertaste. A great morning coffee for any filter brew. 
Ethiopia Yirgacheffe Idido G1 Anaerobic
This Ethiopian coffee is unlike any ordinary heirloom. Super vibrant and intense candy aromatics of honey melon candy, pair with floral & berries note on mid-tone. A wonderful coffee to enjoy in the evening. 

You may like these coffees
Taiwan Alishan Gesha 台灣 阿里山 藝伎
Taiwan Alishan Gesha 台灣 阿里山 藝伎
Kenya Nyeri Muchoki AA
Kenya Nyeri Muchoki AA
Malaysia Liberica Washed
Malaysia Liberica Washed
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