From SunStories series

Waking up in the morning at weekend, I wondered if I missed something...

Look back together!


🔗A nearly 3-year way

During Nov 2018 - Jul 2021 time as SunStories serries, from Vietnam Education Unit, Design Unit to Unit 2 > Section 2, I worked as an intern, a trainer assistant & a FE developer.

It's not the journey,

It's the people you met ❤

I always think I'm so lucky when I have a lot of respectful relationships:

ThinhDora, CuongNH for inspiring mindset of mine in career path; DuyND for being a friend, a colleague to discuss with me about st from freelancer team to now; TuanPT supports me many things & so many other awesome people: HuongPM, KhanhLD, HaiDL, HungPV, CuongBD, NgocPV from U2-Sec2-G4; ToanTD from Edu Unit; DanBN, VietNQ, HungVQ in Angular team; HungHV, DucHA, ToanTD, MaiPTN, TuanNN from Design Unit; TuanVH from U2 > Sec 2 > G3; LinhNQ from FE intern group, NamNH from U2 > Sec 1 > G4; SuNH from U1 > Sec1 > G2 & so onnnnn (random order, NON-comparability (bow)) (updating cuz I wanna be sure not to miss someone out)


🔗 Last working day (LWD)

The day I was going to to Sun* workspace to complete the last process for resignation, I imaged it would be a lonely feeling cuz I can't directly meet some closed colleagues to share somethings in this remote-working time.

But...  Fortunately ^^

My LWD was all right (even awesome):

  • No description available.Thank TuanPT for carrying my devices & sharing with me more (smile)
  • Complete my responsibility & get positive feedback from MNH team & other related projects ^^
  • Have chance to buy Highlands tea for Mr.KhanhLD, HaiDL, DuyND & get some advice from AFL team (other remote-working bros for the next time  :">).
  • Get so many proactive concerns of bros/sisters in network with variety emotion: from sulky, regretful to encourging, grateful 😄😄 (heart-warming)


🔗 さようなら

Passing a long way at Framgia Inc. - Sun* Inc.(FS), I become matured: from a newbie in coding with passion to a FE developer with my own ideals. 

FS created favourable conditions for my development. I also tried to carry out my duties to the best of my ability. Nothing more to be regretful ❤

Hope my FS is always developing!


Something else...

さようなら to my awesome workspace, NOT to awesome people.

Smile & keep in touch!


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