This week's post is a little different, I'm looking at the pros and cons of the Studyblr Aesthetic.
I'm also trying writing this and posting entirely from my phone for the first time, so if there's any mistakes please let me know!

I first found the Studyblr community when I was doing my A-Levels. Groups of people interested in studying, taking notes and learning. I was so overjoyed to find a space where I could learn better tips for studying so I could improve my grades & get some help when I was struggling.

And I did find that! However I noticed a large focus on the aesthetics, that is, looking at pretty notes and having the perfect set up


  • Looking less cluttered & more organised helps with your mental state when it comes to taking notes. You're more focused on them, and are likely to keep your space clear of distractions.
  • It's much easier to read notes if they're done for this since I'm focused on making them readable to other people. No more barely legible handwriting!
  • Sitting down with a warm / cold drink & my notes encourages me to do self care & study rather than neglecting to eat or drink
  • Much more relaxed taking notes, I have a space set up that I like and feel comfortable in and I know I'll be able to read them back once I'm finished.
  • Have something pretty to look at by the end - this is one of the biggest things for me. I get to create something I'm proud of or enjoy


  • Can get too caught up in appearances & not actually studying; you put all of your focus into making sure the notes look good and you have a good set up but not on sitting down and learning what you need to.
  • Sure your notes may be pretty but are they functional? Can you use them after you're finished? Or have you copied out what you think you need to that will look good while forgetting about the useful information.
  • Not possible for everyone- the Studyblr aesthetic is unachievable or at least difficult to achieve if you don't have a desk or dedicated study space, if you're using old and cheap pens, don't have good quality paper or a light source...

General Comments on the Aesthetic

  • Remember that your notes are for you first and foremost. Do they work? Do they not? It's up to you. If you like this style then go for it, but only as long as it actually works.
  • The aesthetic isn't possible for everyone like I said before;
  • E.g - My desk is in front of the window which is great, except the block of flats opposite mean the sun shines directly into my face so I can't always sit there to study.
  • I take a lot of notes on the computer and in my rocketbook which don't lend to pictures well and screenshots just don't work the same way.
  • As far as aesthetic goes, it does look good. But I have doubts about the function.
  • Hey! Tara here and thanks for checking out my blog. I update every Tuesday with posts about studying tips, advice and talk about productivity and organisation too. If you want to keep up to date with my latest blog posts I'd love it if you subscribed to this blog.

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