It has been far too long since I posted on here.

I have a good excuse for that, though: I have a job now.

And while that's fascinating and new and a huge adjustment, psychologically and emotionally and financially (of course), it also means that I need to be far more intentional about maintaining my blog, or else it'll end up just like so many other projects I've started over the years.

Meaning, it will be dead in no time, unless I decide right here that I want it — no, I need it — to live.

So for the foreseeable future, this blog will take on a slightly different tone. I've written a lot about feeling like I'm in limbo, waiting on my next thing. Well, I'm not quite waiting anymore, and that feels strange by itself.

But I do want to explore navigating this new chapter in my life, getting used to waking up early in the morning again, having to be responsible with my time in the evenings, and all of that.

I reject the idea that we have to let go of the things that we enjoy in order to be "mature" adults. I enjoy being a writer, and that will always be an integral part of my identity. I just have to figure out how to implement that in my current reality.

Until I do figure it out, I'll be here breathing through it. Wherever you are, I hope that's what you're doing as well.


Follow my blog for more of my thoughts on basically everything, and follow me on Instagram @denaeculp.writer and Twitter @denaeculpwriter for more poetry, quotes, and pseudo-inspiring randomness.

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