Yes, in between painting and writing, I am now knitting.......

I mentioned some time ago that a new community centre has opened just a three minute walk from where I live. The Inspired HUB.

Through THE HUB, I am meeting lots of new and interesting people - one of them being Kit who is a real knitter/artist. Kit has turned me on to playing with knitting needles. Who would have thought:)

Clearly the hummingbirds are spinning their unseen magic - once again proving the point that all we have to do is be prepared and open to all possibilities. - watercolour

At this point in my knitting career I am only making scarves (the beanie hat you see is made by another knitter who can turn corners - something I am yet to master:). However, watch this space.....a beanie is in the making.


I am loving all the colours...which is no surprise, but it's also something to do with the rhythm of knitting and seeing whatever it is I am making ( a scarf of course) grow right in front of my eyes. Almost as satisfying as watching paint flow and blend.

Kit started a 'Knit and Natter' group at the HUB on Thursday afternoons....and so I thought why not??? pourquoi pas???? and I am very glad I was open to the possibilities of knitting and nattering with people I might otherwise never have met..

I highly recommend this to anyone. Either joining a group or starting a new one...again Why not indeed?

A magical hummingbird drinking from the sweet nectar of life. - watercolour

Given that the school holidays have just started this would be a wonderful thing for children of all ages to do....WHY NOT INDEED?

Have a lovely weekend.

Janet 🙂