Hi there,

Great news. In the next 24 hours we'll be launching a program that will help you land a job in the Artificial Intelligence, Computer Vision, and Deep Learning field.

Over the past few months I've been behind the scenes, setting up strategic partnerships with companies who are looking to hire in the AI space.

Specifically, I'm working with Dr. Tim Oates, my former PhD advisor, and his company, Synaptiq, to help with job placement and resume feedback. Not only are they hiring, but they are extremely well connected in the AI space, so if they don't have a position for you, they know someone who does.

Our goal is to help you get a job in the AI field, and in the event we cannot/you're not a good fit for a given position, we'll provide actionable help and suggestions on what you need to improve on to get that job the next time it comes around.

If you're interested in having us help you land a job in AI, here are the details:
  1. You need to join PyImageSearch University and complete all courses, thus demonstrating you have minimum knowledge of CV and DL. This is a requirement, so if you're brand new to CV/DL, you'll want to take your time going through the courses. If you're an experienced CV/DL practitioner, great, it won't take you long to complete the courses (sorry, I cannot waive this requirement as I need to ensure everyone has a minimum education). Typically 1-3 hours per day for 7 days is enough to complete all lessons in the course (depending on your current skill level).
  2. You have a resume that can be submitted to companies. Once you've completed all PyImageSearch University courses a "secret" page will unlock where you can upload your resume. Don't worry, your resume doesn't have to be perfect. My team can help provide you with suggestions on it.
  3. You are willing to work remotely. The vast majority of the positions available are remote, due to (1) PyImageSearch readers being distributed across the world and (2) COVID making it hard for in-office work (we're trying not to focus on location-specific jobs right now as there are too many logistics involved).
I'll be back tomorrow with more details, but in the meantime, make sure you join PyImageSearch University and complete all courses to be eligible for job placement!

Adrian Rosebrock
Chief PyImageSearcher

P.S. This is a brand new program we're putting together, so there's certainly going to be some hiccups along the way as we iron out any wrinkles. Furthermore, I cannot guarantee you'll be awarded a given job or position; there are simply too many factors outside my control (e.x., salary requirements, education background, previous job experience, how well you interview, etc.).

In short:

If you're willing to have some patience with us as we navigate this complex (but highly rewarding) program for the first time, we'll be able to work with you and do our absolute best to help you get a job in the AI field.