Davis Arts Center

This is Davis Arts Center, which is really close to where I live in north Davis. I popped over to the park at lunchtime and drew it from a high grassy verge, underneath a tree, while listening to a podcast about the car industry in Coventry. I've drawn a two-page panorama of the Davis Arts Center before, quite a long time ago, when the leaves were different colours and the building was painted differently too. I need a sketching vacation, one like where I'd go to a city for a few days by myself and just wander about drawing everything. It's been too long. This is also the longest period I have ever had without going home to London. That is tough, I miss London. It's still not easy to go there from the US, with quarantine and expensive testing when you get there, plus long waits to get through Heathrow. I'm feeling very unrelaxed right now. Drawing helps, though even drawing feels a little stressful at times, if I'm short on time or if I'm running out of things I want to draw; sorry Davis, I need to draw somewhere else for a bit. I finished this at home after drawing all the penwork, I can't see it from my house but it's close enough.