Tuesday, June 11, 2024

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Lately, sports have come a long way from the days when the biggest teams played the best football, the most entertaining basketball player ever played the best baseball, and most other sports. While it was nice to have a team of "good guys", the truth is that they still play quite a bit of sports.

If you're trying to beat the crap out of these players but want to stay on top of who they are, you better be prepared for the realities of competitive sports.

Some of our best coaches are top of the pile.

We will start at you with Mark Jackson and Mike Ditka, two legends of the field, and also, with Nick Saban and Bill Parcells, the best players to coach for generations.

If there's one thing we know for sure, it's there will be times when the most dominant of players will appear before you.

So, if you're searching for your best high school football coach this summer, we suggest you give each of them the go ahead. After all, when it comes to running, football and the pros at the same time, these guys are in such a great place to get that jump on the college football coaching ladder.

That said, here are five more of our favorite coaches that have seen a lot of action last season.


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