
We often talk in our daily calls about people doing interesting stuff with OpenCV, Deep Learning, or any other spaces where we create courses and books.

But when we read that Peter Warden, former technical lead of the TensorFlow Micro team at Google, was leaving to start his own thing, one member of our team (kept anonymous to spare embarrassment) immediately said, "so dumb!"

At the time, it was kinda hard to argue. 

Quite honestly, who leaves an incredible job at a legit tech giant with an unlimited R&D budget to take a risk on their own project?

But then we saw what he was doing, and it all made sense.

Warden has formed a startup to develop AI-enabled sensor modules that will be used in everyday products. In short, that means his products can be added to home appliances like:

  • A surround sound system that understands where people are sitting in a room
  • A cooling fan that can track you around the room and keep you cool
  • A coffee machine that recognizes which family member is using it

These are all use cases that businesses are thinking about right now, which means there are also millions of other possibilities just waiting to be created (or jobs to be had on his team).  

The future of ML is tiny!

It will be a huge area of development over the next few years, and it's all built using TensorFlow, something we know a thing or two about.

So, if this has your creative or entrepreneurial juices flowing, we'd recommend getting all of our TensorFlow books and courses at 30% off during our Black Friday Sale on 24th November (Thanksgiving in the USA).

You'll get 30% off for one hour during our Black Friday sale starting early on Thursday, 24th November.

We're doing it because we want to offer subscribers like you a little extra reward for being part of our community.

That's why we're calling that hour-long sale Subscriber Hour

We recommend that you consider enrolling in University during our Subscriber Hour.  It's our most complete, project-based course ever.  

If you have a project in mind, PyImageSearch University is the product for you.  

About the sale, there's nothing you need to do except make a note of what time the sale starts where you are and add this reminder to your iCalendar or Google Calendar.

See you on the 24th!


Your PyImageSearch Team

(P.S. it was Jon)

Not interested?  Cool, opt out of this sale.