Tuesday, September 13, 2022

September Coffee Tasting with Artisan Roastery 🔥


September Blaq Coffee features Artisan Roastery 🔥

This September features our good old friends from Artisan Roastery
As usual, we selected all the new fresh crop beans for this month's tasting box, here's what to expect this month on the 15th of September

Blaq Box - Filter Roast
Nicaragua Mierisch Finca Mama Mina Peaberry
Colombia Finca El Guarango
Brazil Fazenda Trapia
Brazil Caxambu & Aracaçu - Nano Lot #989
Shop Blaq Box for Filter

White Box - Espresso Roast
Brazil Fazenda Monte Alto
Nicaragua El Suspiro
Shop White Box for Espresso

You'll love these coffees too
Ethiopia Nensebo West Arsi G1
Ethiopia Nensebo West Arsi G1
Blackbird 5.0
Blackbird 5.0
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