It's the last call here!

In just a few hours, we're shutting the doors for joining the OpenCV and Deep Learning Academy Starter for 63% off.

At 11:59 PM Eastern, the page where you can register is coming down, and we're not sure exactly when it will be available again.

(People always email the day after deadlines with a laundry list of reasons why they missed it, so we wanted to send one last email before it shuts down.)

[Last Chance] Go here to join the OpenCV and Deep Learning Academy. There's still time left!

As one final reminder, here's what you'll get when you jump in before the deadline:

  • Working code for over 495 projects
  • Video code walkthroughs where you learn how to write the code and what the code is doing
  • Colab notebooks so you can run all of our code on any machine with internet access
  • Scripts to download, use in your work projects, use in research, or use in your hobby project
  • 44 Assessments to reinforce your knowledge
  • 44 Certificates to show off your accomplishments on LinkedIn and your resume
  • Tech support from real computer vision and deep learning engineers to help you at each stage of your learning journey

Here's the link one more time if you want to get all the details before everything disappears.

Talk soon!

PyImageSearch Team