
This week you'll learn about Improving Text Detection Speed with OpenCV and GPUs.


OpenCV has always been the go-to tool for us when it comes to image processing. From basic image loading functionalities to contour approximations, OpenCV's utility functions cover a huge area. Undeniably, it's one of the best computer vision libraries out there. 

But many of us still don't know that OpenCV hosts its own module for deep learning (DL) inference functionalities, known as the OpenCV DNN (Deep Neural Networks) module. While it only supports deep learning inference on images and videos, its fast inference time makes it a great choice for beginners to play around with different models. 

The best part is that it supports the loading of several models from various frameworks, allowing us to perform a variety of deep learning functions.

In many cases, OpenCV's DNN module outperforms the standard machine learning frameworks in terms of inference time. With the added functionality of loading models from different frameworks, this module definitely becomes an allrounder. Now, can this inference time be even faster if performed on a GPU?

A GPU is conventionally thought to be faster than a CPU at performing complex mathematical computations due to having more logic cores. They have been steadily taking over as the standard computation unit in the world of Deep Learning. 

This brings us to today's tutorial, Improving Text Detection Speed with OpenCV and GPUs, where we teach you how to make your inference time even shorter by using OpenCV DNN on a GPU. 

The big picture: Many times, we fail to realize the potential of our GPU in boosting our DL tasks. Utilizing your GPU, added with OpenCV's DNN module, results in the extremely fast inference of your images and videos. 

How it works: OpenCV's DNN module has been made solely for the purpose of inference. Since all its emphasis is on inference, it stands out in terms of processing speed. Additionally, using a GPU naturally makes computations faster since a GPU contains more CUDA computation cores than a CPU. Hence, running OpenCV's DNN on a GPU naturally reduces the inference time. 

Our thoughts: For beginners, this is a great way to get into Deep Learning in general. You can test out different models using the DNN module to get a gist about them.

Yes, but: The prerequisite for this tutorial is compiling the OpenCV DNN module along with GPU support, which can get a bit frustrating for beginners. Additionally, OpenCV's DNN module doesn't support model training and fine-tuning, so it only helps scratch the surface of the topics you're working on. 

Stay smart: Do not stop at just inference, or there will be gaps in your understanding of topics. Additionally, setting up for this tutorial can also be your gateway into learning more about CUDA computing, which is rising to be an integral topic in today's Deep Learning world. 

Click here to read the full tutorial

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