Hi, We received a whole batch of emails asking us to extend our sale! This is the first time we have seen such enthusiasm for a topic so complex and layered as Deep Learning. So we have extended our sale to the end of this week! Enthusiasm, passion, and curiosity are early telling signs. We believe the first batch of students for this course will achieve great things. This time we are also offering a bonus live lesson to anyone who joins now. This is a one-of-a-kind opportunity to learn, connect, and grow with others on the same journey as you. Enroll Now Use the code MAR22TAKE20 to get a 20% discount. The sale for the Deep Learning course has been extended till Friday this week. This means the 20% limited time discount is still available till Friday. However, we have a cap on the number of students we can accept for our first batch. Join the course now to purchase the content at a discounted price and be a part of the bonus live lesson. See you on the other side.  Enroll Now Use the code MAR22TAKE20 to get a 20% discount. The PyImageSearch Team P.S. We want to respect your inbox. Are you not interested? Opt-out of future emails on this topic P.P.S. If you're already a PyImageSearch University member, you already own this offer and don't need to buy anything. What a deal, right!? Feel free to Opt-out my dear University members (and thanks for being part of University, you make PyImageSearch possible). |
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