On the 15th of December, from 12:00 CET till 18:00 CET, the Tech A11y Summit is taking place. An 6 hour event all about accessibility in tech, intending to leave you afterwards with a lot of practical things you can directly apply in your work or daily life.

During the conference interpretation into international sign is provided as well as automated captions and a transcript.

Register now on the Tech A11y Summit Website.

What is the conference all about?

The conference offers a wide range of topics presented by 16 speakers from all over the world. From 10 minute sessions and deep-dive sessions to interactive panels.

Opening and keynotes

The summit starts with a 30 minute documentary created by Henk Boelman about inclusive and accessible events. After the documentary the hosts of the day, Rayta and Stacy, will open the conference and then it is time for the openings keynote Inclusive Design, more than you hear by Marie Van Driessche. In this keynote she will dive into the question:

Websites are a very visual medium. You therefore might think that they will work for people who are deaf. But is that true?

Don't miss out on this keynote, tune in 12:30 CET on the Tech A11y Summit Website

If this keynote is not enough to get you excited for the rest of the day, then Dennie Declercq talk The scary truth about labels must get you moving to the tip of your chair.

Ask your questions during the live panel

We are lucky that Marie and Dennie are able to join us live in the studio for a panel after their talks. In this panel Rayta will dive into the different perspectives of Marie and Dennie about accessibility and inclusion.

Deep dive sessions

From the panel we move on to Megan Strant, she is joining us live from Australia with her session How can you drive inclusion for hidden disability? In her session she will talk about the question:

What can we each do to support people with challenges across neurodiversity and mental health to make the workplace and online technology better on a daily basis?

All about accessibility in web development

After Megans session we go to a section in the conference that focusses on web-development. Adrián Bolonio will kick this section of with his session Testing Web Accessibility followed by an hour of 10 minute lightning sessions

The lightning round is closed by a panel about Accessibility in front-end development, hosted by Stacy Cashmore.

Next up, after the panel there are 2, 30-minute sessions:

Closing keynote

We close the summit with a keynote by Dona Sakar where she will talk about all that you have learned about Accessibility during the day and what you now can DO with it. In this closing session, you'll learn 5 actionable things you can do TODAY to bake inclusion into your product from day 1.

We hope to see you during the summit from 12:00 CET till 18:00 CET.

Register now on: Tech A11y