New Year's eve is almost here and what best way to celebrate with fireworks. Snap, pop, crack, boom. This is the most peaceful, animal friendly, harmless, eco, children friendly, no-fire-needed, educative and nifty fireworks.

To get the fireworks, fire up the following R function.

 ########################################## #  # Tiny  fireworks  with R for New Year's 2022 # # Series: # Little Useless-useful R functions #31 # Created: December 29, 2021 # Author: Tomaz Kastrun # Blog: # V.1.0  # Changelog:  #        - add clean rings ###########################################  library(animation) library(ggplot2)  set.seed(2908)  Fireworks <- function(nof_rockets=10) {   if(!is.null(dev.list()))   if(!interactive()) return()      draw.fireworks <- function(x,y,ring) {       plot(x, y, xaxt='n', ann=FALSE, yaxt='n', frame.plot=FALSE, xlim=c(0,50),ylim=c(0,500))       title(main = "Happy New Year 2022", col.main= "white")       for (i in 1:ring) {              ani.options(interval = 0.25)            color <- sample(rainbow(ring),8, replace=TRUE)           symbols(x,y, circles=0.16+i*1.2,add=T, inches=F, fg=color[i])           ani.pause()       }       par(new=TRUE)     }          clear.fireworks <- function(x,y,ring){       plot(x, y, xaxt='n', ann=FALSE, yaxt='n', frame.plot=FALSE, xlim=c(0,50),ylim=c(0,500))       for (i in 1:ring) {            ani.options(interval = 0.15)          symbols(x,y, circles=0.16+i*1.2,add=T, inches=F, fg="black")         ani.pause()       }       par(new=TRUE)    }    NewYear.fireworks <- function(){         bgcolor <- par("bg")       if (bgcolor == "transparent" | bgcolor == "white") bgcolor <- "black"       par(bg=bgcolor)           # nof_rockets <- 10       xx <-sample(1:50,nof_rockets)       yy <-sample(1:500,nof_rockets)       ringy <- sample(7:13,nof_rockets, replace = TRUE)              for (i in 1:nof_rockets){              x <- xx[i]         y <- yy[i]         ring <- ringy[i]         draw.fireworks(x,y,ring)         # if you don't want rings disappearing, comment this IF statement         if (i > 1)  {           x1 <- xx[i-1]           y1 <- yy[i-1]           ring1 <- ringy[i-1]           clear.fireworks(x1, y1, ring1)           }       }       # if you don't want rings disappearing, comment this IF statement       clear.fireworks(tail(xx,1), tail(yy,1), tail(ringy,1))   }   NewYear.fireworks() }  ################## # Run the function ################## Fireworks(15) 

And have your own little private useless R fireworks.

Fireworks with disappearing rings
Fireworks with colourful rings

Enjoy the silence. Observe the colours. Drink some champagne.

As always, code is available in at the Github in same Useless_R_function repository.

Happy R-coding and Happy New Year 2022!

And stay healthy!

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