Vue 3 is a progressive framework for web development, this opensource project is a power tool in web developer kit. It's fast, lightweight and easy to learn. Version 3 has many performance upgrade from Vue 2.

Vuex 4

Vuex 4 is the official store for managing global state in Vue 3 app. Setting up a JS store setup is so easy. Let's set up a store in TS, which require different approach

Add store to project

Fire the vue add vuex command from the root of the project, it will install the dependencies and create a blank store for us.

TS store

We need few interface, Injection keys to create and configure store. To simplify the store we can put everything in a single file , store.ts / index.ts.

 // store.ts import { InjectionKey } from "vue"; import { createStore, Store } from "vuex";  export interface State {   count: number; }  export const key: InjectionKey<Store<State>> = Symbol(); export const store = createStore<State>({   state: {     count: 1,   },   mutations: {     },   actions: {   }, }); 

Global store configuration

To make the store available to all components, in the main.ts import and use the it as plugin.

 import {store} from './store'  const app = createApp(App) app.use(store).use(router).mount('#app') 

In a component

In a component we can access the store using Vuex function, useStore.

 <script setup lang="ts"> import {useStore} from 'vuex'  const store = useStore(App);  </script> <template> {{store.state.count}} </template> 

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