In scratch if you want to take something from one project and put it in your project, you must either export the sprite/costume.

Remember to give credits to the person you copied the sprite/costume from

But, let us say one day your computer ran out of storage and you cannot export the sprite/costume. Fortunately, no fear Scratch is well prepared for this situation. You can use something called a backpack, many new scratchers do not really know about is though.

The backpack is at the bottom, I helped you to circle it in red. You can use it by pressing the backpack button and it will pop up like in the picture below. As you can see from the picture, I have been using my backpack for a while now.

You can add things into your backpack by dragging your sprite/costume into it, then wait until it is done loading, go to the another project where you want to put the sprite/costume in and open the backpack and drag the sprite/costume onto the sprite/costume section.

That is all for today's Scratch with Deadly-Eyes session, I hope you like it and I might write it again tomorrow 😀

This drawing is made by clickmaster98765432

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