Redux Thunk is middleware that allows you to return functions, rather than just actions, within Redux.

This allows for delayed actions, including working with promises.

One of the main use cases for this middleware is for handling actions that might not be synchronous.

By default, Redux's actions are dispatched synchronously, which is a problem for any non-trivial app that needs to communicate with an external API or perform side effects. Redux also allows for middleware that sits between an action being dispatched and the action reaching the reducers.

There are two very popular middleware libraries that allow for side effects and asynchronous actions: 

Installation and Setup

Redux Thunk can be installed by running npm install redux-thunk --save or yarn add redux-thunk in the command line.

Because it is a Redux tool, you will also need to have Redux set up. Once installed, it is enabled using applyMiddleware():

 import { createStore, applyMiddleware } from 'redux'; import thunk from 'redux-thunk'; import rootReducer from './reducers/index';  const store = createStore(   rootReducer,   applyMiddleware(thunk) ); 

How to Use Redux Thunk

Once Redux Thunk has been installed and included in your project with applyMiddleware(thunk), you can start dispatching actions asynchronously.

For example, here's a simple increment counter:

 const INCREMENT_COUNTER = 'INCREMENT_COUNTER';  function increment() {   return {     type: INCREMENT_COUNTER   }; }  function incrementAsync() {   return dispatch => {     setTimeout(() => {       // You can invoke sync or async actions with `dispatch`       dispatch(increment());     }, 1000);   }; } 

And here's how set up success and failure actions after polling an API:

 const GET_CURRENT_USER = 'GET_CURRENT_USER'; const GET_CURRENT_USER_SUCCESS = 'GET_CURRENT_USER_SUCCESS'; const GET_CURRENT_USER_FAILURE = 'GET_CURRENT_USER_FAILURE';  const getUser = () => {   return (dispatch) => {     //nameless functions     // Initial action dispatched     dispatch({ type: GET_CURRENT_USER });     // Return promise with success and failure actions     return axios.get('/api/auth/user').then(         user => dispatch({ type: GET_CURRENT_USER_SUCCESS, user }),       err => dispatch({ type: GET_CURRENT_USER_FAILURE, err })     );   }; }; 

Refer to example


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