Hear ye, hear ye! We will soon be returning to the fantastical world of Fairytale Island in the upcoming side quest: Rumpel's Challenge!

The Creators' announcement goes on to explain that the quest will continue the story and answer some of our burning questions. The promise of tying loose ends reminds us of the Fairytale Fanfic Contest, in which fans wrote their own endings to Fairytale Island. How closely will the official tale match fanfiction? We'll have to wait and see.

However, this story has a dark twist; only members can take on Rumpel's challenge. This news reminds some players of Poptropica's members-only bonus quests, which were extra quests added to the endings of islands during the early 2010's. It's disappointing that not everyone will be able to end Fairytale Island on a satisfying note. We can only wish that the Creators will eventually give every player the chance to finish the tale.

To tide us over until the release, the Creators graced us with some concept sketches for a new character! The image name is Queen Ideas_2, so it looks like we'll be meeting the queen of Fairytale Island! Judging by the art shown below, she appears to be regal ruler who loves cats and knows how to use a sword. She also has a curly updo similar to Cinderella, so could they be related? Where was she during the main story? Theorize away, Poptropicans!

But wait! We have more news for you, though prepare to feel some déjà vu.

Some of you may have already played the ad game for My Little Pony: A New Generation. In a surprising development, there is now a second My Little Pony ad on Poptropica! It's not often that Poptropica hosts two separate ads for the same product at the same time. There is no game in this particular ad, though. All you need to do is watch the trailer to win two new pony prizes: the Zipp Outfit and the Hitch Outfit.

Here's a neat tidbit about these prizes. If you press the spacebar while equipping one of the prizes, that respective pony's cutie mark will pop up on screen for a second. Stop by both ad spots and win all five prizes, one for each of Gen 5's Mane 5. Gotta befriend em' all! 💫🧶🛡🎤⚡

The official Poptropica Instagram account shared eight pieces of fan art in yesterday's story. The story features spooky and silly entries for the now closed costume contest, and they all look like great additions to the game. There is also art of original characters and airships, as well as some Rumpelstiltskin fan art just in time for the announcement of Rumpel's Challenge.

That's all for now! Are you looking forward to the follow-up to Fairytale Island? How do you think the tale will end? Leave your thoughts in the comments below!

Thank you for reading, and have a good day!

—Gentle Dolphin 🐬