//ReceivingGroupService Class //    @Scheduled(fixedDelay = 20000L)      public void test(){          List<BigInteger> idsCfgAlarmByGroupId = receivingGroupRepository.findIdsCfgAlarmByGroupId(8L);          List<Long> ids = listBigToLong(idsCfgAlarmByGroupId);          List<ConfiguredAlarm> configuredAlarms = alarmConfigRepository.findByIdIn(ids);      }          public static List<Long> listBigToLong(List<BigInteger> big) {          List<Long> result = new ArrayList<>();          if (big != null) {              Iterator item = big.iterator();              while(item.hasNext()) {                  BigInteger b = (BigInteger)item.next();                  result.add(b.longValue());              }          }          return result;      }   
// ReceivingGroupRepositoryClass      @Query(value = "SELECT CONFIGURED_ALARM_ID from OCSGW_ALARM.ALARMS_GROUPS where RECEIVING_GROUP_ID = :groupId", nativeQuery = true)      List<BigInteger> findIdsCfgAlarmByGroupId(@Param("groupId")Long groupId);   // AlarmConfigRepository -class  List<ConfiguredAlarm> findByIdIn(List<Long> ids);

Other way to get data

//ConfiguredAlarmRepository    @Query(value = "SELECT c FROM ConfiguredAlarm c INNER join AlarmsGroups a on c.id = a.id.configuredAlarmId AND a.id.receivingGroupId = :id")       List<ConfiguredAlarm> getConfiguredAlarmByReceivingGroupID(@Param("id") Long id);

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