Island Traveler posted: " Fall 2021 begins September 22. Should I wait to experience its magic? Same Tree from last year, just feels different this year. Not every Holiday and Season will be the same. Time, people, events…something always changes. Should I wait to see it's"
Fall 2021 begins September 22. Should I wait to experience its magic?
Same Tree from last year, just feels different this year. Not every Holiday and Season will be the same. Time, people, events…something always changes.
Should I wait to see it's beautiful colors of orange, yellows, reds, greens and purple?
Same Decors. Different arrangements. Same Season. Different moments.
Should I wait to smell its fragrance of cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, cloves and of course …pumpkins?
Indulge on what inspires you.
Should I wait to taste its delicious food and beverages like Pumpkin Pie and Pumpkin Spice Latte?
Been savoring Fall's yummy concoctions for the past 2 weeks. Starbuck's Pumpkin Spice Latte Creamer, taste the same as the $5.25 per Grande size Starbuck's store version. Fall flavor 4 less.
Should I wait to experience the unique blend of Happiness that it brings?
It's not just about me when it comes to sharing happiness…so from the outside, I hope it brings to the viewer the joy and warmth I'm enjoying from the inside.
No, Nah, Nada, Nevah…on waiting!
I can stay in the dark, hidden, trapped, sad, angry, be a victim of people and circumstances…
So, at 5:45 A.M., I turned on our Fall Tree lights because I want to, I need to, I love to. Early Bird gets to catch the first batch of magic.
No one should wait for their magic to happen. With what is going in our homes, community, country and the World, we need all the magic we can get…now!
…or I can step into the light and try mending the broken best parts of me.
18 months of the Pandemic taught me to live in the now and make my dreams happen with a sense of urgency.
"We've lived several months of Emergency Disaster. Some places still do. Knowing another Emergency is just around the corner, waiting for what matters and what's important shouldn't have to wait. Should be just as emergent."
Fall Gnome sitting on top of a Holiday Truck. We bought the truck last Christmas. A bit of creativity, it becomes a Fall Harvest Truck.
I should have done them sooner and more, but I'm grateful because God gave me plenty of chances to bring to life many of what my heart has always wanted.
The signs are not random. They are meant to open our eyes to the things we missed or will be missing. Many didn't get to live their dreams because they waited too long. Many didn't get to share more of their light and joy because no one took the time to show them that they have it all along. To care and be kind…it's in our DNA. To be grateful for every blessing no matter small…also in our DNA. We can be better.
I choose to celebrate Life bigger, sooner, longer, deeper, more spontaneous because I don't know what happens to me and those I love next week, next month, next year.
We like a window with a nice, good view, people also like to watch from where they are standing a view that is nice and good. If only everyone gives back, the view will be equally beautiful on both sides. Another Season, another chance. Will it be different this time? I really don't know. I hope so.
This is my truth. Don't care if it's weird. Don't care if it it doesn't follow the norms. At the end of a dream, who felt happier, won. Who missed it, lost. And I'm tired of losing. I needed more wins.
Life has never been more urgent. No more waiting for good things to simply happen.
Home is where my Heart is okay to be happy. Home is where I get to create stories where anything is possible. Home is where my inner light is welcome to shine honestly. Home means I don't have to choose because Home understands and welcomes all. Magic is Home Sweet Home.
"I almost ran out of flicker to my flame. Then God showed me how dark, sad and cold it already is. My fire is taking baby steps. I'm not as young, patient, tolerant and forgiving as I used to be. I needed more time to heal. The wounds, too scarred, too deep. I needed more time to forgive and be braver on happiness. The hope, that my flame will burn brighter to light every corner and every room of my mind, heart and soul."
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