Do you practice any rituals in your life? Things that feel sacred to you, helping you find peace and stability within this volatile world?

Rituals don't have to be religious in nature. They just have to hold meaning for you, at the stage you're at in life. Now that I'm navigating a brand new space, I've developed a few that can hopefully keep me grounded.

For example, I've decided that every evening, after work, I'll go straight into the kitchen and make myself a cup of tea, in the same mug each time. The tea itself will change, but the ritual will not. So far, it's been something for me to look forward to on long days.

I feel as though rituals hold the most importance when they're our rituals, rather than ones that we've inherited from others. They can give us wings, or they can send us crashing down. It's all in how we approach tradition and what we keep from it.

I hope that all of my rituals going forward are this intentional and positive.

Just a quick, overdue post before the clock hits midnight. Be back in a couple days with an old poem. Til then, keep breathing.


Follow my blog for more of my thoughts on basically everything, and follow me on Instagram @denaeculp.writer and Twitter @denaeculpwriter for more poetry, quotes, and pseudo-inspiring randomness.

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