was more about slowly moving into the space of creator.

i've been a writer and dabbled in tech, attempted entrepreneurship but never really owned the title.

I don't know why because I've been creating s**t (like this blog) for a while

I realize that in order for me to reach my income and career goals, I have to start creating things and growing them.

Other than that, still drowsy at random times through the day.


75 Hard: I am on Day 28. Walking was actually harder than the kettlebell workout (still lighter than I what I am used to.

90 Days No Porn & No Fapping Day 17

30 Days Kettlebell: Today is Day 26, to finish this up Sunday. I was able to do a slightly better workout today.


Computer Repair: Downloaded the videos from the Google course I passed in Coursera for review

No code: Nothing here yet, focused on finishing the software testing course, although they are talking about APIs

Software Testing: Finished first half of the course so I can finish up tomorrow

Legacy I decided to follow Ramit Sethi's model from here to follow Ramit's Guide

Investing: I may be renaming this section as "debt".

Business: I need to pick the tech stack for this. I began with some practice on a MakerPad video with Webflow, but I need to do some more planning here and figure out what services I need.

Hustle: Cancelled the proposals for now because I need to refine my services so I don't get overwhelmed. I decided to just focus on one project per day....after a 30-day set up period.

In short, (Bold is done)

Complete at least one 30-day round of 75 Hard Phase I

Continue 90 days of No porn and no fapping

Complete ITU online course prep in 30 days so I can make an 80% or higher on at least 2 Comptia A+ practice tests

Complete at least 10 hours of no-code training so I can pursue my side hustle experiment of building a no-code niche job in 30 days

Co Complete the ASTQB online training within 30 days so I can take the software "Testing Essentials" microcredential and earn higher tester points

Complete Dr. Boyce Watkins's Investing & Money I will implement Dr. Boyce Watkin's investing and savings plan of 10% automatically deducted from my paycheck for an emergency savings and transfer at least $30 each paycheck for investing purposes so I can have a savings fund with an emergency fund with at least one day's pay at all times and $100 dollars in the stock market at all times by October 1.

I will build a niche job board using no code tools by October 1 so I can practice developing tech products/services for multiple income streams.

I will respark my freelancing career by completing 30 days of proposals on Upwork focused on one service, YouTube scripts/shownotes, within 30 days.

Complete 30 days of Yoga (Done), Kettlebells, And Mace Workout

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