Hi there,

We're running a summer sale here at PyImageSearch. Take this opportunity to invest in yourself and learn computer vision.

This deal includes 25% OFF all my books and courses, including:

Which book/course should you go with?

If you want my personal recommendation I would say you should go with PyImageSearch University.

Not only will you get access to our brand new Visual Sensor Fusion for Autonomous Cars course, but it's also the most affordable online education program we've ever created — and best of all, we add new lessons to it every month, so it's a great way to keep up with the state-of-the-art in computer vision and deep learning.

I'll keep this discount open until Monday, July 19th at midnight EDT, but then I'll have to take it down.

Be among the first people to get access to our new Visual Sensor Fusion for Autonomous Cars course


By the end of this course you will be able to:
  • Explain the difference between standard cameras and LiDAR
  • Write code that can fuse camera and LiDAR together
  • Describe, employ, and use sensor fusion algorithms in your projects
  • Perform camera calibration, including intrinsic and extrinsic parameters
  • Create LiDAR point clouds from your own sensors and projects
  • Code projects that use cutting edge 3D perception
  • Explain the difference between early vs. late sensor fusion
  • Perform point pixel projection in your projects and work
  • Project a LiDAR point (3D) to an image (2D)
  • Explain, code, and use the "magic formula" that makes it all possible
  • Visualize the 2D and 3D data together making stunning visualizations like you see above
  • Apply sensor fusion to autonomous vehicles and your own work
You can gain access to the sensor fusion course, including the other 25 courses inside PyImageSearch University, by using the link below.

No one likes missing out on great deals — make sure you take advantage of it.

Adrian Rosebrock
Chief PyImageSearcher

P.S. Want to grab my entire library of books and courses for a one-time payment? Typically that would cost over $3000 but I'm offering them all for $1875 (a savings of nearly 40%).

Here is a direct link you can use to grab everything I've ever authored for the $1875 deal.