While working on Linux server, you might want to quickly start a ftp or http service for file transferring or testing. This video is to show you a way to use one line Python command to start either ftp or http, or both services.

It will require Python environment including Pip package and pyftpdlib module to be installed first. You might also need to adjust your VPS firewall and local linux firewall.

Eventually, we can use just one line command to start both ftp and http services in your linux server.

Related Post:
One Python Command to Start FTP or HTTP Service - https://blog.51sec.org/2021/05/one-python-command-to-start-ftp-or-http.html

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Learning and Sharing - 海内存知己,天涯若比邻 - http://51sec.org

source by Johnny Netsec

linux ftp server