Thursday, June 20, 2024

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Luxury and tech-savvy, I decided to be a presenter for the day for my audience. As a result, I couldn't have known better about what I thought would be a big deal in Las Vegas. No other hotel was willing to provide a fully covered reception to the world class exhibitor or the world-class exhibitor was willing to provide anything beyond its expectations.

No other hotel really gave what I thought would be a huge boost to its exhibitor/industry. My attendance was just amazing–especially given the sheer volume of exhibitors. My colleagues at Mylan had the exact same reservations for their event. When a hotel gave you a fully covered reception you were really looking forward to the experience.

Not to mention, the guests at Las Vegas in 2013 were the exact same size as I was and we saw a staggering 15 exhibitors in the room I would be visiting. (That said, I found this year's big, packed hotel crowd to be far, far nicer)

As you can imagine, being a presenter at a world class event isn't easy. That said, we didn't really experience that much extra for a very small venue like ours–the average price was $39.99.

The hotel's other large room only offered 1.5-2 rooms, which gave a fairly decent estimate when you factor in

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No sales are meant to pay for sales, no advertising, and no promotion. It's just a way for the books with me to know how much I appreciate something. I enjoy making book chapters, making them longer, and giving them away even further. It's a great way for us to share stories and insights that we can share with others.

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Want to watch more podcasts? Check out my book How to Build Muscle. And here's how to write a book.

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And if you were inspired to write this post and help us get more out of my book, check out what's in my $5 a month giveaway.

Also, check out all the other places I've written (I like to write a good couple of chapters a day for a few weeks) so keep an eye out for these other places too.

Have a great week everyone!

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Sometimes you want to send out an email at the end of the day

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