Hi, Today, we're going to tell you a story about the founder of BitTorrent. But first 👇 A few days ago, we told you that we're running an experiment to find out if price really is the thing that matters to people who subscribe to our emails but who aren't yet students. In other words: You. If you didn't see the email, here's what you need to know: - We're giving a group of subscribers the chance to access everything we've ever made for PyImageSearch University (up to April 30th, 2023) at a no-brainer price.
- The price for this many courses has NEVER been offered because, from a business sense, the price is ridiculously cheap.
- Get your deal now.
We're shutting our link down on Friday at 11.59 PM (Eastern).  OK, here's a story about BitTorrent TLDR: - Coding takes time, and lots of it is wasted, as the founder of BitTorrent knows
- A treasure chest of instantly usable code = a Cheat Code for getting time back
- You can access ours at a 50% discount until Friday
Did you ever use BitTorrent back in the day? It was one of the first communication protocols for peer-to-peer file sharing and became legendary for its ability to share large music and movie files online quickly. It was launched in 2001 by a software developer named Bram Cohen and was eventually acquired for a reported $126M, 17 years later. Cohen now heads a crypto company. He's reported to have a personal net worth of ~$15M. As software developers go, he's, well …  What's this got to do with OpenCV and Deep Learning? Well, if the words "17 years later" didn't hit you in the face, they should have. In fact, Cohen famously said this of programming: The mark of a mature programmer is willingness to throw out code you spent time on when you realize it's pointless. It's a problem you've no doubt faced in your career — in fact, we'd wager you've probably encountered it this week! You spend hundreds of hours writing code, only for an obstacle to throw the entire thing off, wasting hours of your precious time. Imagine if there'd been a place where Cohen could have accessed the code he needed anytime he wanted. A place where he could just look up the code he needed, then copy and paste it. Imagine how much faster he would have built his business and how much further ahead he'd be now. Maybe that $15M would be $150M. He'd almost certainly have spent less of his time frustrated while more quickly earning himself a reputation as an industry expert. The bottom line is this: He would have achieved his goals faster and probably been happier. Now imagine if you had a place where you could grab resources to achieve your goals faster. A place where you could copy and paste instantly usable code into your OpenCV and Deep Learning projects. - You could spend more time doing the things you love with friends and family.
- You'd be known as the go-to whenever there's a question about OpenCV or DL.
- You'd have more time to spend building and trying new things.
- You'd achieve your goals faster.
- You'd look like a genius.
- You'd be … happier?
 Get Lifetime Access to PyImageSearch University at less than $6 USD/course Your PyImageSearch Team P.S. Check out this testimonial if you're on the fence (we received it a few days ago): It always is my first choice to learn computer vision with PyImageSearch because they are experienced and practical computer vision trainers. They know what you need. Not only that. They make your learning fun, easy, and insightful. You will definitely build up competent computer vision skills with them. It is worth all the money you spend. Not interested? Cool, opt out of this sale. |
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