Recently, I came across a peculiar sight: four teenagers were walking bikes without front wheels into the street. As I watched, I noticed another cyclist observing the scene, presumably calling the police on his phone.

In the U.S., people often lock only the front wheel of their bikes, making it easy for thieves to steal the bikes by removing the front wheel.

But then, a twist occurred. A fifth person entered the scene, recording the entire spectacle on their phone. The teenagers suddenly hopped onto their one-wheeled bikes and rode vertically, using only the back wheel. They managed to ride over a block before disappearing from view.

They were performers filming a video (which is probably on YouTube now). Their prank stopped us all in our tracks with its unexpected hilarity.

Imagine if your coding skills could have a similar impact, stopping people in their tracks because of their brilliance. By learning JAX with PyImageSearch, you can achieve that level of mastery and make your code stand out.

Take the chance to leave people awestruck with your JAX expertise. Start your journey with PyImageSearch today!

🌟 Week 2 is starting, and, if you're willing to hustle, it's not too late to join our Machine Learning with Google JAX for Python course. Master the power tools of JAX and boost your ML expertise! ⏳

We have 37 seats open for class, so first come, first serve.

You have 2 options to join:

  1. Join PyImageSearch University and get JAX for FREE
  2. Pay only $98 one-time (72% off) for lifetime access to our 4-week JAX course

Why has the price dropped from $352 to $98?

As more students join this cohort, the value goes up for everyone.
Since this is our first cohort, we want to maximize the value for everyone trusting us to deliver an amazing learning experience. 

Who knows what job, personal, or business opportunities this course will open for you... 

Course Highlights:

  • 💡 First-ever cohort-based class: Access to a private PyImageSearch Community for learning, sharing, and growing with fellow students and instructors.
  • 🔥 Live lesson in week four: Exclusive content on applying JAX skills to build your own deep learning for computer vision model in Python.
  • 🎓 Course content: Hands-on lessons covering JAX installation, numerical computation, machine learning, and more!
  • 🎁 Exclusive bonuses: Custom-curated dataset and a never-before-seen lesson.

💬 "PyImageSearch's courses have been a game-changer for my career. The knowledge and skills I've gained have helped me land my dream job in AI research." - Emily, a previous student

⏰ Don't miss your chance to transform your machine learning skills and career. Join now before it's too late

Your PyImageSearch Team

P.S. This offer is no longer on our website so you can only purchase our JAX course from the links in this email.
