Saturday, August 27, 2022

Malaysia Bean to Bar Chocolates 🇲🇾🍫


Merdeka Sale features Malaysia Chocolates 🍫

Featuring Malaysia single origin chocolates from Seniman Kakao & Chocolate Concierge 🇲🇾
Both artisanal chocolate makers source Malaysia grown cocoa beans & make them into delicious chocolate bars & drinking chocolate.
Clean chocolate with only cocoa & sugar, no nasty preservatives.
Shop Malaysian Chocolates

You'll love these Malaysian Chocolates
Malaysia Kelantan COE - 70% Dark Chocolate
Malaysia Kelantan COE - 70% Dark Chocolate
76% Cacao Cocoa Nibs
76% Cacao Cocoa Nibs
Malaysia Pahang Jengka - Drinking Chocolate
Malaysia Pahang Jengka - Drinking Chocolate
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