Thursday, February 3, 2022



I especially like the 1991 segment — mixing the "hello"s from "Smells Like Teen Spirit" with Uncle Leo's "hello" and the "hello" from Jerry's girlfriend's bellybutton.

Posted: 03 Feb 2022 08:02 AM PST

"The Seinfeld Theme Mixed With A Hit Song From Every Year Seinfeld Was On TV": 

"Workaholics are addicted to the solace they find in extreme fatigue; it’s like the high that a marathon runner might get in her last mile."

Posted: 03 Feb 2022 07:49 AM PST

"I can be utterly depleted yet energized by that depletion. There's a masochistic pride to overworking. How heavy a workload can I truly handle? How many plates can I keep in the air? When I get to the end of a particularly overloaded day, my voice hoarse from teaching, my mind buzzing from far too many e-mails, questions, and deadlines, I vow never to let that happen again, knowing full well that, as soon as I've achieved a new level of exhaustion, my id will push me to try to exceed it.... My closest friends and relatives... have no idea what I do in a day and no idea why I chose to write. 'Is writing even work?' some of them wonder. Or do I just sit around coffee shops, smoke, drink, and wait for inspiration to strike? How do you know what to write if no one tells you?... If you're my father, then you are direct: 'You don't have a real job, Weike, and I can't understand why.'... Had my father not worked so hard to improve our means, would I have the luxury of writing these words about him today?"

From "Notes on Work There's a masochistic pride to overworking. How heavy a workload can I truly handle? How many plates can I keep in the air?" by Weike Wang (The New Yorker).

I thought that was a pretty cool essay, so I was motivated to look up Weike Wang's 2 novels on Amazon: "Chemistry" and "Joan Is Okay: A Novel."

"I love that people are looking for alternatives to Spotify and I don’t know how to explain to them that it has never been ethical or sustainable to expect to have unfettered access to the entire history of recorded music for $10/month."

Posted: 03 Feb 2022 07:15 AM PST

Tweeted Ross Grady, "a mainstay of the North Carolina music scene," quoted in "Reasons to Abandon Spotify That Have Nothing to Do with Joe Rogan/As welcome as the recent protests are, they do not address the fundamental injustice of the streaming economy" — by Alex Ross in The New Yorker.

So... Reasons to Abandon Spotify... one of the reasons is that it gives you "unfettered access to the entire history of recorded music for $10/month." That sounds more like a reason why it's just crazy NOT to have Spotify. 

Or am I supposed to think there's something unethical about this fantastic freedom to listen that is cheap enough for just about everyone?

I know, the musicians want to get paid more. Ross quotes singer-songwriter Damon Krukowski:

Spotify used the financial model of arbitrage to obtain a cheap if not free product—digital music—and resell it in a new context to realize profit. In other words, Spotify's profit requires that digital music have no value. Spotify continually talks down the value of music on their platform—they offer it for free; they tell musicians we are lucky to be paid anything for it; they insist that without their service, there is only piracy and zero income.

"A Dutch publisher has dropped a controversial new book that claims a Jewish notary may have betrayed Anne Frank to the Nazis."

Posted: 03 Feb 2022 07:17 AM PST

"Published last month, Rosemary Sullivan's The Betrayal Of Anne Frank identifies Arnold van den Bergh as the possible informant. He is said to have handed over addresses of Jews hiding in Amsterdam to the Nazis to save his own skin.... Previous research suggested the hideout was possibly found by chance during a raid over ration fraud."

The Jewish Chronicle reports.

Everyone in the office knew? Fire everyone!

Posted: 03 Feb 2022 06:03 AM PST

That was my out-loud outburst when I read: "'The network needs to step up and fire Brian Stelter,' the CNN insider told 'He is allegedly our top media reporter - yet he failed to report on the scoop that everyone in the office knew. And if he wants to say he didn't know, he is truly terrible at his job.'"

That's in "CNN insider says network 'needs to step up and fire Brian Stelter' for not exposing Jeff Zucker affair: report/The network employee said Stelter's 'been sitting on his moral high horse doing Jeff's biddling'" (Fox News).

One suspects that no one reported it because no one perceived it as wrong... wrong enough.  But it was against the rules. Zucker, resigning, said: "I was required to disclose it when it began but I didn't. I was wrong."

The top comment over at Fox is: "Zucker's relationship was no secret and was not the reason he was fired. It was an excuse to fire him after programming an 80% decline in viewership in one year. There is accountability when you work for a public company."

An interesting take on accountability, firing a person for a fake reason. If the reason given is fake, not only is CNN allowing him to evade public responsibility for his degradation of the substance of what was actually televised on CNN, but it is raising expectations that CNN is serious about the sex rule Zucker flouted. And now they're going to have to keep enforcing it, including retrospectively.

"When [Barbara] Walters asked her where she’d be had she not changed her name to Whoopi Goldberg, she replied 'I would have been a Tupperware lady.'"

Posted: 03 Feb 2022 05:31 AM PST

"It seems that Caryn Johnson saw value in appearing to be Jewish.... So, is it racist to pretend to be Jewish if one isn't? Is it 'cultural appropriation'?... Perhaps Whoopi does have some distant shred of Jewish heritage buried far back in her family tree.... Minorities are often granted licence to joke about their own... If Whoopi had been better connected to her putative Judaism, she might have thought twice about her festive jumper design aimed at Jews, depicting a 'Jewish' octopus wearing a kippah. Most Goldbergs I've met know that Jewish Octopuses are usually associated with Nazi era antisemitism. Not Whoopi. When it comes to racism, it's not only Jews Whoopi has angered. When she was dating the comedian Ted Danson in 1993, he nearly ended his career by appearing in blackface in a sketch at the Friars Club comedy event, which was reported to have included jokes about how he got her to clean his parents' house, contained numerous full occurrences of the "N word" and ended with him eating from a tray of watermelon. The gags didn't go down well with the 3,000 strong audience.... She's said to have come out on stage to challenge the audience, saying: 'N*****, n*****, n*****, whitey, whitey, whitey! It takes a lot of courage to come out in blackface in front of 3000 [people]. I don't care if you don't like it. I do!'"

Writes Jonathan Sacerdoti in "Will the real Whoopi Goldberg please stand up? Is Caryn Johnson really Jewish? And would it make any difference if she was?" (The Jewish Chronicle).


You can see a photo of that "festive jumper" in this 2016 Haaretz article, "Will Jews Buy a Sweater Featuring an Octopus Menorah? Whoopi Goldberg Thinks So Goldberg's 'Christmas sweaters with a twist' seek to include her Jewish friends in the holidays, but use a cute version of an animal often used in anti-Semitic tropes."

Here, at the Holocaust Encyclopedia, you can see the well-known Nazi era cartoon depicting Jews as an octopus that is destroying the entire world. 


Goldberg said "I don't care if you don't like it. I do!" in 1993, but in recent years she's been entrenched in a long-running group project on network daytime TV that supports and mildly challenges nice American ladies who want to think well of themselves. I'd love to see her quit the show and get back to the woman-alone-on-stage shows that first made her famous. 

Maybe she's too comfortable with "The View," but "The View" wasn't sufficiently comfortable with her. Comfort is overrated, and it deserves a particularly low rating in comedy. It's the enemy of comedy. Goldberg could build a one-woman show around this incident, and that's what I'd like to see. Take the time to look at the problem from multiple angles and bring us somewhere surprising. That's what Dave Chappelle does with his very independent shows.

Here's a place where you can talk...

Posted: 02 Feb 2022 03:48 PM PST

... about whatever you want.

No sunrise photos today. Too cold!

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