And now, some auspiciously fortuitous news for our AeroPress brewers out there. Explore something new for your next brew and attempt the recent Singapore AeroPress Champion-winning recipe (oh yeah, it's a real competition). A title claimed by our very own Chua Qiu Ying, whom you can find making all sorts of coffee magic over at our Martin Road cafe. She kindly shared her secret sauce behind the brew for you to experience, too, but don't worry if you cannot match the exact variables and conditions. Even humble home setups can bring about pleasant surprises. Variables Coffee Dose - 18gm Water - Third Wave Water (or filtered water) Water Temp. - 82ºC Filter Type - Paper Grind Setting - EK43 Size 9.0 (slightly coarse, like for a plunger) Orientation - Inverted Plunger Mark - Number 4 Prep. Notes Pre-wet double AeroPress paper filters. Pour away excess water and flatten air pockets in filter papers. Pre-heat AeroPress and server. Step-By-Step Method - Pour 18gm ground coffee, tap gently on sides to level the coffee.
- Pour in 200gm of water in a centre pouring method in 20 seconds.
- At 0:20, stir 5 times gently in an anticlockwise manner. Try to cover all areas of the coffee. Lock filter on AeroPress nice and tight and remove from the scale. Gently push the chamber down to remove excess air through the filter.
- At 1:30, place the server over the filter cap and flip your AeroPress.
- Push down in a steady and straight downward manner. Make sure pressure is applied evenly. Push till the extraction is finished, around 2 minutes.
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