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Today, we'll take a close look at the GridView.builder constructor in flutter. How it works, how it scrolls and more.

As the name suggests, a GridView builder in Flutter builds a View of Grids. Technically GridView is a widget or controller that controls elements to show items in a tabular form.

GridView displays the items in two dimensional array. That means Rows and Columns.

We can place many items in that way on the home screen of a Flutter app.

In addition to that, we can make those items clickable so we can click them and navigate to a detail page.

We've written an article where we have used the same technique. So you may take a look at that.

And at the same time, we've kept the full code snippet at this particular GitHub Repository called Book App First.

Moreover, to maintain the state of this flutter app, we've used provider package and ChangeNotifierProvider.

Let us take a look at the app.

GridTile and GridTileBar in flutter

Next, we'll learn how we've made it.

To make sure you don't miss the full article please read it in my website.

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