Today has brought up another another fantastic energy, a lovely soul piece. For individuals who wish to merge with the essence of the Creator. It's so lovely that energy has opened up to those who wish to be whole and whole. Please, recall your essence and return to yourself.

Keep in mind that you hold all of the answers. Keep in mind that you have complete control over your surroundings. So sit back and enjoy yourself. If only you knew what it was like to be someone else's. If only you could see the magnificence that you actually possess when you emerge from those illusions, those three dimensions, and their lessons. You can do it, believe me. It's in your possession already.

Keep in mind that you are capable. Remember, you've always done and created. You made yourself into the person you are now. And you are always constructing the environment in which you find yourself. If you're worried, it's because you've created it. You made it if you planned it. And it's all happening so quickly now. Choose a simple, lovely spirit piece. First, make your own peace, understanding that it was done with good intentions.

The tranquility you bring to yourself is already a contribution to the entire, and the energy you generate is already spreading to the rest of the world. You spread fear and worry in the same way. You get more of what you feed. You magnify what you concentrate on. Just keep in mind that it's that simple. Don't point the finger at anyone; instead, return to yourself, to your core. There is just a little window of opportunity to realize this.

In their own way, everyone is correct, yet this isn't the case. You have everything. They're all a part of you in some way. I'm the only one who is present. It was for you to say, "I AM HERE," AS IF IT HAD BEEN CREATED BY ITS ESSENTIAL ADDITION. There is no such thing as the past or the future. You've arrived at your current state of being. You are the only one who exists. You're the one who makes things happen. Your forgotten identity, please open it. Allow yourself to be guided by your creator self and merge with it. In your limitlessness, you create your own boundaries.

Don't attach to somebody or hope that someone else will do it for you. Remember who you are and how strong you are. You can rest assured that whatever you say will be heard. That is, however, your free will. Remember that you produced by combining the creator's essence with your own. Allow the seeds of light to germinate. And knowing that it's best to just go with the flow.

You are the only one with a beautiful soul. Everything in you is a source of healing and light. Allow light to shine on you and the rest of the world...

!! अभय !!

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