To myself... May you utilise minikube to the fullest so you can master Kubernetes in no time.

Kubernetes cluster in production often don't run in a single machine. The cluster is often distributed across different machines to fulfil the high workloads of microservices. However, before even deploying such distributed apps and services, it is always a good idea to run them in a testing environment. Kubernetes provides a tool called minikube to allow testing of a Kubernetes cluster in local machine.

What is minikube?

minikube is a piece of software that creates a single node cluster to house master processes and worker processes. It makes it possible to run a Kubernetes cluster in one machine.

Installing minikube

minikube requires two things to operate. First, a hypervisor to be able to run the cluster in a virtual environment in a physical machine. Second, an interface to issue command to the cluster. In Kubernetes lingo, the tool is called kubectl.

To install minikube on macOS, run the following commands

 brew update brew install hyperkit # this is the hypervisor brew install minikube # it will also install kubectl 

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