Counting the number of specific words in a file is something you need to know as a coder. Counting the most frequent words in a file is one of the coding questions you can get to solve in any coding interview. So, if you want to learn how to find the most common words in a file, this article is for you. In this article, I'll walk you through how to write a Python program to count the most frequent words in a file.

Python Program to Count Most Frequent Words in a File

Writing a program to count the most frequent words in a file is an important coding interview question that you can get in any coding interview. You can get questions based on this logic in several ways. Here you will be given a file, and you will be asked to find the most frequent words in that file along with the number of times they are present. So here's how you can write a Python program to count the most frequent words in a file:

[('the', 5), ('you', 5), ('Python', 4), ('is', 4), ('of', 3)]

In the above code, I am first reading a text file from my computer, then I am splitting all the words and storing them into a Python list. Then I am counting the frequency of all the words in the list by using the Counter method of the collection module in Python. In the end, I am printing the top 5 most frequent words in the file.


So this is how you can write a program to count the most frequent words from any file. Writing a program to count the most frequent words in a file is an important coding interview question that you can get in any coding interview. You can get questions based on this logic in several ways. I hope you liked this article on how to write a Python program to count the most frequent words in a file. Feel free to ask your valuable questions in the comments section below.