Today was a weird, but defining day.

I am surrounded by piles of paper as I slowly start to narrow down and focus and turn these ideas into a new career (hopefully).

My goal now is a higher-paying part-time employee or contract service desk position, continue freelancing as a software tester, weekend blogger, and owner of a no-code job board and blog on remote work.

Yes, I practiced steel mace moves with a plunger.

Yes, I'm typing this 5 minutes before midnight.

Yes, I'm also prepping for what I will do after the first phase of 75 Hard is over.


75 Hard: I am on Day 23 (One week to go!). For Workout A, I did a a basic kettlebell workout and mace practice. For Workout B, I just walked.

90 Days No Porn & No Fapping Day 12.

30 Days Kettlebell: I am in the last phase of this, Day 21. I did a basic kettlebell workout from my iphone app and practiced mace moves with a dry plunger (gotta start somwhere).


Computer Repair: I am getting back on track on this as my goals get clearer.

No code: I began with some courses in Hello Guru to get introduced to the topic.

Software Testing: I will be doing more focused study in the break between 75 Hard sessions.


Investing: This will go into effect with the next paycheck when I kick off other changes.

Business: This will focus on building a blog on remote work (but not the "work from home" angle) and job board (I think...)

Hustle: This will focus on either an evening part-time call center job or freelancing writing...Still thinking on this

In short, (Bold is done)

Complete at least one 30-day round of 75 Hard Phase I

Continue 90 days of No porn and no fapping

Comlete ASTQB certificate training within 60 days

Complete one learning path in the Test Automation University.

Complete at least 2 no code courses within 60 days.

Complete Dr. Boyce Watkins's Investing & Money Mindset course within a week

Buy a kettlebell to start a badass indoor (apartment) gym.

Complete an introductory drone courses

Complete 30 days of Yoga (Done), Kettlebells, And Mace Workout

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