So here's where I am.

I reached 100 sessions of yoga/meditation.

I reached 1800 days of at least one meditation session.

I cut out some MORE stuff and of course added more stuff.

I went back to the doctor, got more diagnoses, and expensive medication.

Still on the path that is on my lfe.

Oh...and I came across The Bioneer and I saw that's where I want my working life to be...not in an office, not in a call center, but able to work wherever, whenever, and pushing the limits of my creativity and technology....and showing how other people (and the businesses that need their talent) can break free too.


75 Hard: I am on Day 21. For Workout A, I did 100 kettlebell swings and practiced a more fluid workout,. For Workout B, I walked 2 sessions of 20 minutes with a 10 minute break then added a walk (inside) with kettlebell.

90 Days No Porn & No Fapping Day 10..

30 Days Kettlebell: I ended up learning the 6 core kettlebell exercises and developing a kettlebell goal (instead of just randomly picking challenges like I've been doing.) Goal is perform core exercises with 100 pound kettlebell. (Scratch that...just life a 100 pound kettlebell.)


Computer Repair: I love ITU online, but I was at the doctor's and got get back on schedule.

Electronics (Replacing Drones): After realizing that I run away from my because of cash, I decided to learn something important and then go straight for the drone operator license. That topic...electronics

Software Testing: Nothing new here


Investing:Investing and savings plan completed. Set up tomorrow

In short, (Bold is done)

Complete at least one 30-day round of 75 Hard Phase I

Continue 90 days of No porn and no fapping

Comlete ASTQB certificate training within 60 days

Complete Dr. Boyce Watkins's Investing & Money Mindset course within a week

Buy a kettlebell to start a badass indoor (apartment) gym.

Complete an introductory drone courses

Complete 30 days of Yoga (Done), Kettlebells, And Mace Workout

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